The English poet Alexander Pope once wrote, “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” Indeed, forgiveness is an indispensable part of living a healthy emotional and spiritual life. So important, in fact, that when Jesus was teaching his followers how to pray, he instructed them to ask God to forgive them in the same way...
Tag: mississippi
Just Be
“The LORD said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.’ Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an...
Suicide and Generation X
Why are so many people of my generation killing themselves? I began writing this blog in May after hearing about the death of Chris Cornell and did not finish before learning that another high-profile musician from my era, Chester Bennington, tragically took his own life this past weekend. Some have speculated that Generation X, being...
Five Ways To Prepare Your Toddler
Welcome back to our series on toddlerhood. Today’s blog will focus on five ways to PREPARE our little ones for their lives ahead. If you missed any of the previous blogs on toddlerhood, you can find them here: Five Ways To Connect With Your Toddler Five Ways To Correct Your Toddler Five Ways To Protect...
Five Ways To Protect Your Toddler
I hope you are finding this series of toddlerhood blogs helpful. In previous blogs we have covered the importance of CONNECTING with your toddler, as well as a few ways to CORRECT some of their behaviors. If you are new to this series, you can find those blogs with the following links: Five Ways To...
Five Ways To Correct Your Toddler
Today’s topic is five ways to CORRECT your toddler. If you have not yet seen part one of this series, I’d recommend checking it out before moving on. It addresses how to build CONNECTION with our little ones, which gives us a lot more cred with them in the more difficult moments. You can find...
An Open Letter to Teenage Guys About Sexting
Dear guys, Just so you know, this might get a bit uncomfortable. I know I only have a few minutes of your time, so I’m going to cut to the chase. Quit asking for nude pics. I’m sure it seems harmless to you. After all, if the girl sends them to you it’s consensual, right?...
Helping Your Child Cope with Fears
Halloween is upon us. Which means it is the time of year for scary masks in the aisles of the grocery store, age-inappropriate shows or commercials at all hours of the day on every screen, and countless other opportunities for your child to see or hear something that scares them. Unfortunately, we parents cannot completely...
Life After Ashley Madison – 7 Tips to Help Move Towards Relationship Restoration After You Have Been Caught
If you find yourself in the terrifying position of being caught (be it after an affair, online chat/hook-up, pornography, etc.), I want to tell you that it is possible to make it through. It won’t be easy. It will require diligence and intentionality, but there is hope - not only for yourself, but for your spouse, family and marriage as well.
Fears, My Back Porch, and the Lesson In the Stars
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” –Og Mandino I’m a night person because that’s when the stars come out. I sometimes sit on my back porch in a wooden chair and stare out into the blackness, hiding from...