Tag: relationship

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Life After Ashley Madison – 7 Tips to Help Move Towards Relationship Restoration After You Have Been Caught

If you find yourself in the terrifying position of being caught (be it after an affair, online chat/hook-up, pornography, etc.), I want to tell you that it is possible to make it through. It won’t be easy. It will require diligence and intentionality, but there is hope - not only for yourself, but for your spouse, family and marriage as well.

Why use Gottman's 7 Principles In Your Relationship?

Why use Gottman's 7 Principles In Your Relationship?

    The Upcoming 7 Principles Class is 7 Tuesdays from March 24th to April 28th, 6:30 – 8 pm $25- Registration/ $325- (Class, 7 Principles Book and 2 Workbooks) For more information and to register: lidacaraway@gmail.com or 601-951-3131 I, Lida Caraway, am thrilled to be offering a relationship class at The Shepherd’s Staff in September, 2014! It’s...

Being Sandwiched

Being Sandwiched

Three Short Insights of How to Stay Emotionally Healthy in the Craziness of Caring for Aging Parents According to Wikipedia, The Sandwich generation is “the generation of people who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children. According to the Pew Research Center, just over 1 of every 8 Americans aged 40 to...

Trying to Understand

Trying to Understand

Marriage may be the most infuriating, brilliant, amazing, and humbling of creations. The Apostle Paul actually describes it as a “profound mystery” in Ephesians, which is probably the best description for it. There are more books, seminars, Sunday School topics, sermons, and research about marriage than almost anything else, and yet most of us are...

What You Don’t Say

What You Don’t Say

You’ve probably heard the story about old man Floyd, a widower, who lived alone in a ramshackle house down by the river. Floyd was a man of great faith who seemed content regardless of circumstances. Anyone in town could tell you that when times were tough Floyd would just smile and say, “the Lord will provide.” And, it...

No Neutral Relating

No Neutral Relating

A former boss/mentor/fatherly-friend once told me ‘You can’t not lead; the fact is you’re always leading, it’s just a matter of how well or poorly you’re doing it.’  This phrase has been stuck in my head for years now, and always seems to find new areas to lay hold of.  Lately, this saying has modified...